Effective January 1, 2008, Section 1798.89 of the Civil Code is added to read: unless otherwise required to do so by state or federal law, no person, entity or government agency shall present for recording of filing with a county recorder a document that is required by any provision of law to be open to the public if that record displays more than the last four digits of a social security number.
Forms and Publications –
Clerk & Recorder
Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name Statement
Application for Death Certificate
Application for Birth Certificate
Application for Certified Copy of a Military Discharge Record (DD 214)
Cover Page - SB2 Exemption Form
Deputy Marriage Commissioner For a Day
Documentary Transfer Tax Affidavit
Documentary Transfer Tax and List of Acceptable Exemptions
Fictitious Business Name Statement & Instructions
Instructions for Completion of Legal Entity Declaration of Documentary Transfer Tax
Marriage Certificate Application
Marriage Certificate Application-Spanish
Restrictive Covenant Modification Recording Cover Page
Restrictive Covenant Modification Program (AB 1466) Implementation Plan
Statement of Withdrawal From Partnership Operating Under Fictitious Business Name
- Fictitious Business Names
- Marriage Licenses
- Name Equality Act
- Wedding Ceremonies
- Recording Documents
- Liens
- Official Land records
- Birth, Marriage & Death Certificates
- Certified Copies of Military Discharge Record (DD 214)
Contact Us
Tehama County Clerk – Recorder

Sean Houghtby, Clerk and Recorder
Office: 633 Washington Street – Room 11
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Mailing Address:
PO Box 250
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Phone (530) 527-3350
Fax (530) 527-1745
email: recorder@tehama.gov
8 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m. – 5 p.m. Monday through Friday