Juvenile Division
Shelley Pluim, Deputy Chief
1790 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
(PO Box 99, Red Bluff, CA 96080)
(530) 527-5380
Fax (530) 527-2717
Office Hours – 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Juvenile Probation provides comprehensive services to the youth, the community and other juvenile Court. The principle mandated tasks accomplished by the division are the preparation of the investigative reports and dispositional recommendations to the Juvenile Court. In addition, the Probation Department supervises minors under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and holds them in compliance with Court Orders. The division provides comprehensive prevention, intervention and enforcement program service elements. Program elements include SARB, juvenile work program, a parenting program administered by probation staff, and multiple services provided within our juvenile institution as well as in the community which the impacted youth and family can be referred to.
Juvenile Programs & Services
This program gives minors the opportunity to give back to their community by completing Community Service work hours. These hours can be worked off in the community via schools, parks, nonprofit organizations and county grounds. One of the highlights of our work program is maintaining the collaborative garden located on the grounds of our detention facility. The produce provides nourishment for the youth detained in the facility as well as consumer from the local health agency, and any excess is given to local churches for the feeding of PATH (Poor And The Homeless).
This collaborative undertaking with Tehama County Schools targets truant youth. Monthly meetings with school officials, truancy officers, and the affected youth and family are conducted. If a contract with the youth and family is decided upon referrals to outreach services are provided. Periodic county wide truancy sweeps and close interaction with SARB and the Juvenile Court can impact school attendance.